Saturday, November 23, 2013


Today, our family celebrated Thanksgiving.  Bobby will not be here on Thanksgiving since he leaves early Monday morning for Navy boot camp in Great Lakes, IL so we held it early.  I know in my heart that holidays will never be the same.  I was used to spending many holidays without my husband throughout his military career, but I've never had to spend a holiday without Heather or Bobby.  I guess I will learn a "new normal".

Bobby is my third child, second son.  I was 36 when he was born an he'll be 20 in a few months.  Bobby was an easy baby, but happiest when he was finally moving.  It seemed like he went from crawling to running.  I don't remember much walking.  What a busy little fellow he was.  I wanted to share some of my sweetest memories.

  • When Bobby was about 10, he and I were flying from Florida to Virginia to visit my dad.  Our plane had climbed above the clouds and the sun was shining brightly, reflecting off the clouds below and they were sparkling.  It was such a beautiful sight, he turned to me and said, "Mama, are we in Heaven?!?"  I still find that precious to this day.
  • I have a card at work Bobby made me when he was about 9 that says, "I love you more than video games". 
  • At about age 8, he informed me I made "the best grilled cheeses in the whole world".  A degree from Le Cordon Bleu, would not mean as much to me as that statement has.
  • Bobby was 12 when we visited my brother, Danny and his family in Pennsylvania one year.  We were spending the day in Amish Country and had stopped at an Amish Market.  As we were crossing the street and Bobby was running (go figure!) across, he fell flat into the only pile of horse doodie for miles!  Bob cleaned him up the best he could, but it was quite a stinky ride back to my brother's house.
  • At age 6 the young son of a black family down the street used to come to our house and play and one day after the boy left, Bobby said, "he is my favorite brown friend."
Bobby, there is so much in my heart that cannot be put into words.  I am proud of you.  I thank God for you.  I will pray for you (as I always do).  Your Dad and I have tried to give you the tools you need to survive and succeed in this world.  You will do great.  I love you and am blessed to be your mom.

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