Saturday, November 2, 2013

Act your age

I've been thinking about age lately and what it means to "act your age".  I'm 56.  I don't care to be any other age than that.  I love being 56...which really works out well.

I know vibrant, active 80 year olds and idle, dull 30 year olds.  Age is a number assigned to the years we've been allowed.  At 56, I'm on the downhill slide.  I'm past middle age, meaning I'm not likely to live to be 112, so I'm more aware of making my remaining years worthwhile.  I don't have a bucket list, things I feel I must accomplish before I die, but each day I'm allowed I strive to:
  • Be kind.  I learned that it's usually more important to be kind than be right.
  • Learn something new. 
  • Forgive others and myself.
  • Love people.  Not just the easy people...all people.
Do I get it right every day?  Hardly, but I begin each day anew.  A fresh start to be the best 56 year old I can be.  Watch out world, I'm acting my age.


  1. I love that, Gina. I want to be like you when I grow up.

    1. I love you Mary. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you...then you'd know how wonderful you are.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Brian. I enjoyed your turning 40 post as well. Great thing about having children later in life...they keep you young. I hope we can get together with you and K soon.
