Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Thinking about cussing

Calm down, I'm not thinking about spicing up my language.  I was trying to remember when this swearing free-for-all became commonplace.

I came from a swear-free home.  Oh, Dad would let out an H-E-Double Hockey Sticks every now and then, but as a general rule it was not acceptable.  I was raised that men did not cuss in front of women and no-one cussed in front of children.  I remember fishing at a pond across from our farm with my brother and dad and a convertible pulled over to the side of the road near the pond and the man and woman were swearing up a storm at each other.  My father walked over to the car and told the occupants he didn't really care what they did, but they were not going to do it in front of his children.  The car pulled away and although I don't remember what they said to each other, I do remember feeling protected and special.

Our children were raised with the understanding that certain words were off limits.  I'll never forget the day 5 year old Heather and I had this conversation:

Heather:   "Today, Timmy said the 'S' word."
Me:           "The 'S' word?"
Heather:    "Yes, the 'S' word!"  Her eyes growing big.
Me:           "What's the 'S' word?"
Heather:    "Oh, I can't SAY it!"
Me:           "Well, just this once you can tell me and you won't get in trouble."  I was really curious as
                    how she even knew what the 'S' word was.
Heather:    With all her innocence, in a soft voice she said..............................."Stupid."

You see, we did not allow that word in our home.  It was an ugly word that was better left unsaid, so of course she would be surprised when she heard someone else use that word.

I know, it's only words, what's the big deal?  Just because we are able to do something, does not mean we should do it.  Words can hurt or words can heal.  They can lift you up or tear you down.  They are powerful tools, and we should use them wisely.

I have to admit I will probably always be offended by swearing in my presence.  If you choose to do it though be careful...Dad may be just around the corner.


  1. I am just now catching up on your blog Gina and I LOVE it. I have a similar story as yours, but the s word was shut up. We used the word be quiet instead of that s word.

    I get to do a 5 minute video on any subject in James. I think I am going to talk about word usage. You inspire me in so many ways.

    1. Thank you Terrie for the kind words! I keep up with you and your family on fb. Sad we don't see each other any more, but hopefully our paths will cross soon. Hugs to you.
