Thursday, August 1, 2013

Walk This Way

I must confess I'm not a big fan of exercise.  Oh I do it, but I do it so I don't have to ride in one of those scooters when I go to Wal-Mart since they all seem to be in use when I'm there. 

Through the years I've partied off the pounds, sweated to the oldies, disco sweated, and boogied down the pounds with Richard Simmons.  I've thigh-blasted and butt-busted.  I've Jazzercised and Zumba'd.  I've even joined a water aerobics class with a pool full of seniors (don't you EVEN say I should have fit right in!).  I was clearly the young-un of the group.  They didn't care an awful lot about the exercise, but used the time to discuss Myrtle's latest bout with bunions and bursitis.

Four months ago I joined Planet Fitness and go for an hour every weekday.  My torture device of choice currently is the treadmill and I give it all I got without breaking into a run.  I read in a fitness magazine years ago about the "correct" way to walk...with your arms bent at the elbows...pumping them as you stride to get the most benefit.  So here I am, headphones on (yes, those big hulking noise-cancelling headphones that cover your whole ear, to which my daughter says..."you wear THEM at the gym?!?", while secretly thankful she belongs to a different gym), treadmill speed 3.6-3.8 depending on the tunes on my MP3 at the time, arms bent at the elbow, chugging along like The Bushwhackers marching out on the World Wrestling Federation (watch "The Bushwhackers WWF Full Entrance" on YouTube to see what I'm talking about).  I'm sure it's a sight, but I don't have time to worry about that.  Myrtle looked pretty feisty and I don't want to have to fight her for a scooter.

1 comment:

  1. You're too funny. I need some motivation to exercise! Sometimes I feel like I'm too old to worry about it...other times I feel like I'm too old not to worry about it. But, my butt and my recliner have a really close relationship and I hate to separate them.
