Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Ricky

Warning..what you are about to read might make you sad.  That is not my intention. 

25 years ago today our second child was born.  Our first son, Richard John Hodges, "Ricky".  During a routine ultrasound when I was 5 months pregnant with him, they discovered his urinary tract was blocked, which resulted in severe kidney damage among other things.  We were told he had no chance of survival.  The doctor told me I would carry him to term and he would die soon after he was born so we should plan for his would be easier they said.  So we did.  Instead of a crib, we bought a casket.

The weeks dragged on and then on August 23, 1988, Ricky came into this world.  He wasn't crying, he wasn't even breathing.  The Neonatal team at Sacred Heart Hospital whisked him away to do what they could.  The day passed and Ricky was still with us.  A week passed and it was time for me to be discharged.  Ricky had to stay, but he was still with us.  A month passed, then two.  After four months, Ricky was finally discharged and came home.  We had already returned the casket and bought a crib by that time.  Months turned into years.  There were many doctors and hospital stays and procedures and surgeries. 

Then on March 22, 1991, at Wilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, while I held him in my arms, Ricky left us.  2 1/2 years after he arrived...2 1/2 more years than we ever imagined.  While there have been tears shed, our hearts are full and overflowing.  We feel blessed beyond measure.  We were allowed 2 1/2 years of his smiles, his laughter, and we are eternally grateful.

What I know:
1.  Doctors are not God.  They don't know everything.
2.  Bad things happen to good people.  Rain falls on the just and the unjust. 
3.  Without my faith in God and the comfort of my Savior, Jesus Christ, I would not be able to tell you Ricky's story with joy in my heart.
4.  It's important to be kind to others, you never know what they are going through.
5.  People sometimes say the wrong thing when you're grieving.  Forgive them.
6.  Life is short and precious.  Tell the people in your life that you love them...better yet, show them.

Happy Birthday Ricky.


  1. You life is such a testimony! Thank you for sharing this. I think there are more than a few that could use this type of encouragement!

  2. We miss you both (I'm sure we will miss Roan once we meet him!) too and HAVE to come see you soon.

  3. Thank you Gina for sharing your story. You and Bob are such a blessing to us and you always have a smile to share.

  4. God Bless you Gina! You guys are Wonderful! Love & miss you!

  5. God Bless you Gina! You guys are Wonderful! Love & miss you!
